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Exfoliation - The Lancer Method on a budget?

A brand of skincare I'm dying to try yet can't afford is Lancer. Dr. Harold Lancer is a Beverly Hills based dermatologist who boasts a clientele featuring names such as Kim Kardashian and Michelle Williams, both of whom have beautiful, smooth and glowing skin. While some of this can certainly be attributed to laser treatments, I'd imagine his skincare line is also a factor. When he was a child he suffered an accident in which he suffered 10% burns to his body after an accident and this no doubt fuelled his interest in skin. I would love to try some of his products, but with prices so high (think almost €70 for a polish €50 for a cleanser and €80 plus for masks) it's just not within my budget at the moment...! While they do ship from the US (beware customs taxes!) and are available on some EU skincare sites, I've had to try out his method on a budget.

We do realise you're lasered to the heavens though, Kim - you need more than a scrub for skin like that...!

The Lancer Method - what is it?
I think I first heard about this during one of @TrinnyWoodall's Instagram livestreams - she does a couple a week, and they are both funny and informative. She mentioned that she loved the products and firmly believes in the method which essentially boils down to exfoliation before cleansing. At first I wasn't too sure what she meant - Trinny is adorably bonkers so the idea of her scrubbing her face with a €70 exfoliator while still wearing make-up wasn't that insane😅 Typically we remove make-up, cleanse or double cleanse, exfoliate and treat, so this is a bit of a shake up.

What products do you need?

For this you will need three products:

* A good make-up remover/first cleanse (I used L'Oreal Rare Flowers Cleansing Milk or L'Oréal Huile Extraordinare)

* A nice exfoliator (please not St Ives - it is hands down one of the worst physical exfoliators on the face of the earth, WAY too harsh) I've done it with my Clarins Gentle Refining Exfolaitor and Oskia Micro Exfoliating Balm.

* A second skin-treating cleanser. Here I use @SundayRiley Ceramic Slip (a clay based cleanser to really clear out pores), Emma Hardie Moringa Balm or @IndieLee Rose Hip Cleanser (vitamin rich, tackles redness, antioxidant)

The Method
I have watched a couple of videos on YouTube about The Method, if you wish to see one click here. In this particular video a patient of Dr. Lancer demonstrates how she uses the method each morning - note how she goes straight into exfoliating and then uses her cleanser to remove the debris. Obviously she is using all Lancer products, which we aren't so results of course will vary! While I have used this method in the morning I most often do it at night as I have more time, and when doing it in the morning I give my face a quick wash with my typical morning cleanser - it's not specified whether the lady had cleansed before she applied the Lancer Polish, but I get the feeling she didn't. I'm a little bit squeamish at the thought of applying any product apart from a cleanser on uncleansed skin so I broke the rules a bit. The same at night, I use my cheaper make-up remover/cleanser to remove my make-up and then go in with my exfoliator. Once I've exfoliated, I rinse and apply my higher-end cleanser, massaging it into my skin and leaving it there for 3 or 4 minutes before rinsing.

Immediately I noticed that my skin felt smoother than usual, and I could see the effects of my second cleanser a lot clearer than usual. After using Ceramic Slip my pores looked and felt clean and clear, and after the Rose Hip Cleanser I felt refreshed and soft - this method works, people. There's also something to be said for the feeling of massaging a luxurious cleanser into smooth, exfoliated skin.

How often?
It's very important not to over-exfoliate your skin and so this is definitely not something I would do every day - when I over-exfoliate with manual scrubs my skin gets red and irritated. Personally I use this method once a week, although I occasionally give myself a scrub with something gentle like Clarins Gentle Refiner on mornings when I feel a little rough around the edges. I'm still using chemical exfoliants regularly (Alpha H Liquid Gold, and more recently The Ordinary AHA/BHA Peeling Solution) so I don't need to scrub too often.

Obviously if you were a patient of Dr. Lancer/using his products then you would follow the instructions given (using daily, it seems) unless irritation occured.

I definitely recommend giving this a try on your face - I really enjoy it. Not all of us have the means to afford top-end skincare but there's no reason we can't incorporate some of the methods into our routines using what we have. Is it utterly skin-changing? No, but then again I'm not using the designated products - if I ever come into money I'll get them all and let you know😅

After using this method on my face for a while, one night I decided to try it another way - on my body. Now I'm one of those people that will spend the most of my budget on my face and go cheap from the chest down. My shower is generally filled with Dove, Ushuaia and other brands that can easily be found in supermarkets. But I do have a nice collection of Soap§Glory bodycare at the moment, thanks to my brother buying me the Spa of Wonder set for Christmas. So last night I cleansed quickly in the shower, got out and dried off and then went HAM with The Scrub of Your Life all over before getting back in and using Clean on Me Shower Gel.

I swear, I've never felt so soft and exfoliated in my life. I finished off with The Righteous Butter moisturiser and went to bed feeling like I'd spent the day in a spa - this method works an absolute treat on your body. I usually just exfoliate in the shower while the water is running, but this changes everything. I'm not a frequent wearer of fake tan (although I do love Cocoa Brown Day and Night Mousse the odd time in summer) so I'm rubbish at remembering to exfoliate - doing it this way is such a pleasure as you really feel smooth and soft - I'll be doing this for the rest of my life...!

Please let me know if you try this and what you think!
Have a great weekend everyone!

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