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Prescription Lab 'A la Francaise' February Box

Hi Everyone!

This is a really quick post just to show you what I got in the post this morning - my first monthly box from @Prescriptionlab. It has been a loooooong minute since I signed up for a monthly beauty box - having tried Glossybox, Birchbox and many more I just went off them - the products weren't worth it and I felt like I would be better off saving my cash for products I actually wanted. However, after coming across Prescription Lab on Instagram I decided to give them a try.

Prescription Lab are based in France, but I believe they also deliver to Monaco. For €19.60 a month (shipping is free) you get a box containing their monthly magazine, and a couple of products - one of which always seems to be full-sized. Although they have their own products (I've heard very good things about their matcha cleansing balm) they also include other brands in the monthly box. You can sign up to the site for free and once you're subscribed, you can choose whether to pay monthly or in lump sums. You also then get the option to buy other curated boxes at a discount price. I feel like they might be similar to the UK's Beautypie - their products are by all accounts effective and enjoyable, but at a very decent price.

So without further ado let's go through what came in the box!
*This is just a run through of the products, I haven't used any yet as I just received it this morning.

*Le Prescripteur
This is Prescription Lab's monthly magazine. I've only flicked through it, but in addition to a run-down of the products in this months box there is an interview with Yannick L Hansen (whom I'm guessing is a model, is very handsome and who describes himself as 'half a Viking, half a frog' on his IG bio😂), and other fashion and beauty pieces.

He's a handsome frog/Viking😂

*Balanceme Tinted Eye Wonder Cream
This is a British brand founded by sisters Claire and Rebecca Hopkins, and focuses on botanical ingredients and natural chemistry. I haven't tried anything from the brand before so I'm looking forward to trying this eye cream which contains Witch Hazel to tighten and one of my favourite ingredients of the moment, hyaluronic acid. It is also tinted, so may provide some coverage? We'll see! This cream retails for £20 on their website so already, it's worth more than I paid for the box...!

Currently too skint to buy an eye cream so YAS!

*Prescription Labs Mon Rouge Nuit § Jour
This is a raspberry-hued lip crayon, from PL's own brand. It feels very soft on the skin when swatched, not at all waxy and I like the colour. Review coming when I've used it. It retails for €16 on Prescription Labs site.

*IOMA Paris Collagen Renew Encapsulated Anti-Wrinkle Care, 105 capsules
This is a pricey French brand. Again, I've never tried anything from them but I'm intrigued by these capsules. This months box contained randomly either an IOMA Night Cream or the capsules, and I'll admit that I was hoping for the cream. But I'm a monster for something new and these capsules claim to improve wrinkles by 25%, elasticity and smoothness so I'll give them a go. These capsules retail for around €90 so this box has by now paid for itself over 5 times...! I'm also very impressed by the fact that they have included a full size of the capsules (5 weeks worth), I have received beauty supplements in magazines and sub boxes before, but never a full course. Good work, Prescription Lab!

These capsules are worth more than my current account😂😥

Overall thoughts
I'm pretty damn happy with this box! I needed an eye cream, I like the colour and texture of the lip crayon and I'm very interested to see if I detect a difference in my skin after taking these collagen capsules for 5 weeks. The worth of the box comes to well over €100 - so even after you deduct the price you're over €80 up. I'm not one to judge things purely on price, but this is extremely impressive. I found that with previous sub boxes I got a lot of...crap, to be honest. Lots of stuff from brands I have never heard of/found it difficult to find online, some cheap copies of established products and really nothing that was worth the price of the box. Here we have an own-brand product and two other products from well-established brands, and the box itself is worth around €128 - that's a saving of €108! Now obviously this is only relevant if you like what's in the box but it's definitely a plus! It is only three products, but I would far prefer three products I like and will use to five crap minis. Can't wait to get into these products and let you know what I think!

If you are in France or Monaco you can sign up for Prescription Lab here

Have a great end of week!
A x

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