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Showing posts from 2018

CloudCloth® - Sustainable, Recyclable Beauty

Hi Everyone! Let's talk cleansing cloths. In my book, cleansing cloths and flannels are a must-have. I know that a lot of people prefer to splash off their cleansers, I have tried this but for me cleansing revolves around a flannel, AM and PM. Aswell as ensuring that your skin is free of residual cleanser before you start into your routine, you can use your flannel to give your skin a light exfoliation - I would recommend using cotton for this, to be as gentle to your skin as possible These were kindly sent to me for review by CloudCloth®, and I've been using them for the last few weeks so I feel like I'm ready to give you my thoughts. Let me first give you some information about the company. CloudCloth® is based in the UK and was set up in 2017, in Manchester. Their ethos revolves around encouraging people to switch to reuseable and recyclable cleansing tools. From the site 'As a Brand, we want to give something back. We are supportive of our community of c

Nominoë Radiant Hydration Night Mask - Product and Brand

If you watch my Instagram Stories (and if you don't then why not?! You're missing lots of skincare and food-related rants, it's great stuff😂) you will know that I've hit on a couple of ideas relating to my page and blog. Firstly is a buying ban until Christmas. I realised that I had enough skincare for 5 faces and decided that I would challenge myself to use up what I have, make it to January and re-evaluate what and how much I buy. This may seem counter-productive for a self-proclaimed 'beauty blogger' but there is a method to my madness - I want to switch my buying habits from quantity (Hell yes I'll take that, I've never heard of it and it says mattifying which I definitely don't need, but it's on sale!) to quality (better brands, researched and cultivated products that will benefit my skin and not just my endless need to 'have stuff'). The second idea came to me while browsing through various Facebook groups, beauty magazines and we

Seavite Super Nutrient Comfort Cleanser

Seavite is a new brand to me, I'd never heard of them before coming across the range in a pharmacy/health food shop while in Ireland. I was immediately drawn to the cleanser (of course) and the fact that it's an Irish brand. Seavite is a Galway-based skincare brand started in the 1980's by Patrick Mulrooney, with the goal of curing his daughters' eczema. He believed that the ocean was a source of healing and regenerative ingredients just waiting to be harnessed and saw how living near it seemed to soothe his daughters' skin. From the Seavite site - Through combining pure botanicals and nutrient-rich Irish seaweed extracts, Patrick formulated the Seavite range, which fast earned cult beauty status, thanks to its profound powers of skin transformation. Daughters, Katherine, and Jane, both went on to become medical doctors, with Masters’ in Clinical Dermatology. They’ve dedicated their entire careers to healing sensitive skin conditions and solving a

Avène Clearance Mask, a French pharmacy find

Avène is a French pharmacy brand probably best known for their thermal water spray which makes for a nice face mist/in between skincare steps spritz - personally I prefer something with a bit more jazz, and I'm not a fan of water only sprays, but that's just me - but as with all French pharmacy brands it has other hidden gems that aren't talked about nearly as much as they should be. Like most of these pharmacy brands, most of the products all look the same and their odd mix of bland/complicated names belie the fantastic ingredients they contain. I had never given the Clearance range a second thought until I came across this little beauty in my tiny local pharmacy while I was waiting to get a prescription filled. I turned it over to have a look at the ingredients and to my surprise saw that it contained not only glycolic acid but also some salycilic. Intrigued, I took it home with me. Product Description Size - 50ml Packaging - Simple white tube, screw on lid Price

Kinvara Absolute Cleansing Face Oil

It's been a while since I've tried a new cleansing oil, so I was excited when a friend sent this to me for my birthday. A little about the brand - Kinvara is Irish, Galway-based and was founded by Dr. Joanne Reilly. Obvs I wanted to find out what kind of doctor she is - her LinkedIn Profile says she has a PhD in Zoology and Elephant Ecology, which wasn't what I was expecting. Anyhow, in 2010 Dr Reilly founded Kinvara skincare and although I've only recently been made aware of the brand through social media, the reviews are glowing and I'm really enjoying this cleanser. Size - 100ml (my only gripe about the product is that I wish it was bigger😂) Packaging - Sturdy plastic. Pump that turns to lock and works faultlessly. Good for travel, IMO. Smell - Essential oils, citrus, gorgeous. Ingredients - Helianthus Annus (Sunflower)* Seed Oil, Sesamum Indicum (Sesame)* Seed Oil, Citrulius Vulgaris (Watermelon) Seed Oil, Carthamum Tinctorius (Safflower)* Seed

Naïf Moisturizing Cleanser - #cleanserlove

Online skincare shopping can be hit or miss. Sometimes I end up with a product that I thought would be amazing but turns out to be an utter fail, and having used it I can't send it back. But there are times when I stumble across hidden gems - products or brands that I've never heard of and never would have found if not for the internet. Such was the case with this Moisturizing Cleanser from Dutch brand Naïf. I ordered it purely on the basis of the name and ingredients list which I will go through shortly. But first some information on the brand - Naïf was started by friends Sjoerd and Jochem when they realized that they were about to become Dads. Like many parents they were concerned by the fact that they didn't understand a lot of what was contained in baby products ingredients lists and so they came up with the idea of starting their own brand with the basic philosophy of using the most natural and comprehensible ingredients possible. They started with baby produc

New CID Cosmetics i-glow Shimmer Powders in Coral Crush and Sirocco

If you watch my Instagram stories you know that I originally ordered Coral Crush after I had seen Caroline Hirons say how much she loved it on her stories. After having Coral Crush for a few weeks I picked up another I-glow in Sirocco, the brush that is designed for use with them and a cream eyeshadow. In this post I'll review the two I-glows. On the  New CID Cosmetics website the I-glows are described as ' an innovative and luxurious formula of  baked bring a radiance to the skin for a lit from within look ' Coral Crush Described as a ' luminous peachy coral blush with soft gold sparkle suitable for all skin types '. This is a really stunning product, both visually and on the skin. It comes housed in a sturdy white compact with an inside mirror. Although the compact is really pretty and chic, white probably isn't the best colour for it - mine is already covered in fingerprints...! Not a huge issue, but I'm a bit of a neat freak when it

Dimethicone - what's that?! (and Ingredients Rant part 2)

The skincare world has practically become a sub-culture. On all of the big social media sites you can find pages and groups full of skincare enthusiasts, both professional and, like me, interested amateurs. Whereas in the past most people just trusted in the expertise and advertising of their favourite brands, such is the thirst for knowledge concerning ingredients and formulation these days that it is becoming increasingly difficult for brands to use certain ingredients in their products. We saw it with mineral oil (Clarins even reformulated their infamous Double Serum and excluded it), SLS, certain types of formaldehyde, fragrance, essential oils, alcohol and silicones to mention a few. While I think it's great that the internet and social media has lead to this democratisation of information, it does make it even harder to decide what's best for you . I've personally left a couple of skincare groups on Facebook as the utter hysteria that ensued after I mentioned that I

Dior Addict Hydra Gel Core Mirror Shine - the perfect summer lip product!

My other half usually gives me a Sephora voucher for my birthday but this year he went it alone and I woke up to a little Sephora haul. Two of the products were these Dior Addict lipsticks, admittedly products I would be unlikely to buy for myself but surprisingly, ones that I've worn most days since and have really been enjoying. They aren't new, I believe they've been out for a couple of years but I don't see anyone talking about them and they should be talked about. If you read this blog regularly or watch my IG stories you know I'm a bit of a lipstick fanatic. Nudes are my poison, but deeper berry tones and reds are also favourites. However, now that summer is starting here in France it's just too damn hot for bright shades - I really don't like wearing typical lipsticks in 30 degree heat, I feel as though they are melting on my lips and am always worried about bleeding and smudging. I normally go for a sparkly gloss or a manageable nude, but most

BalanceMe Tinted Wonder Eye Cream

I'm a bit rubbish when it comes to eye creams - I don't often buy them. While the 'insides' of my eyes can be sensitive if I get certain cleansers in them, the area around my eyes isn't so I use my acid toner and serum around them. A lot of eye creams are expensive, so if you can't afford one think about using your serum around your eyes. Currently I'm using Clarins Double Serum and experience no irritation when I use it on the eye area. I got this eye cream in Februarys Prescription Lab box, so I've had it for over three months. It went missing some time in March and I just found it in a box at the beginning of May. I've been using it every day since so I'm ready to tell you what I think! BalanceMe is a British brand that was founded by sisters Claire and Rebecca Hopkins who aim to provide botanically active formulations made in the UK. Their ethos is to find a work-life balance and incorporate natural skincare alternatives. If you w

Exfoliation - The Lancer Method on a budget?

A brand of skincare I'm dying to try yet can't afford is Lancer. Dr. Harold Lancer is a Beverly Hills based dermatologist who boasts a clientele featuring names such as Kim Kardashian and Michelle Williams, both of whom have beautiful, smooth and glowing skin. While some of this can certainly be attributed to laser treatments, I'd imagine his skincare line is also a factor. When he was a child he suffered an accident in which he suffered 10% burns to his body after an accident and this no doubt fuelled his interest in skin. I would love to try some of his products, but with prices so high (think almost €70 for a polish €50 for a cleanser and €80 plus for masks) it's just not within my budget at the moment...! While they do ship from the US (beware customs taxes!) and are available on some EU skincare sites, I've had to try out his method on a budget. We do realise you're lasered to the heavens though, Kim - you need more than a scrub for skin like that...!

Cien Q10 Nightcream - reviewed by a skincare snob

Cien Q10 Night Cream  Cien is the beauty brand sold by budget supermarket Lidl. Over the last few years I've seen increasing amounts of people in the UK and Ireland raving about their products, from the moisturisers to the cleansers and hair products. I was suspicious of this raving as I felt that a lot of this was either bandwagoning after a few bloggers had said they liked the products, or really just based on the incredibly low price point - I love a bargain as much as anyone else, but I'm not going to convince myself I love a product because it's cheap and purse-friendly. My only prior experience with the brand was a body moisturiser which was quite honestly rubbish and not in the least moisturising as well as smelling extremely cheap, their conditioner which I love and still buy and their micellar water - which I dislike because I'm not a huge fan of them in general, and it stung my eyes and dried out my skin. I do however love the packaging - it's one of thos

Caudalie Instant Foaming Cleanser

You KNOW how I feel about foaming cleansers - I don't use them. Or at least most of them, as they contain SLS or forms of it and it's an ingredient I don't like. It's harsh, cheap and can be irritating. I'm even starting to move away from it in shampoos, as it seems like it's further irritating my scalp issues. For the last month I've been using my Rose and Geranium soap from Simply Soaps that is SLS and artificial ingredients free and I'm noticing a reduction in itchiness and discomfort. If you have a similar problem, check out my review  here So you may be surpsied that this cleanser has made it to the blog, the name considered. However, this is not your typical foaming cleanser and it is SLS free - so I was happy enough to have received it in Aprils  Prescription Lab box. I'm not a regular Caudalie user, I've had a couple of products in the past and I like them well enough but I often lean towards brands that have more active in