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Sarah Chapman Skinesis Intense Hydrating Booster

Skinesis is the signature skincare line created by the much-celebrated London Facialist Sarah Chapman. Launched in 2008, it has received numerous awards and is loved for it's advanced, botanical ingredients. Aesthetically the line is beautiful - everything comes packaged in modern yet simple silver grey, giving it an understated chic - it's a beauty Instagrammers dream.

I received the Intense Hydrating Booster and Overnight Facial for Christmas and they are my first Skinesis products. As excited as I was I started using them right away, so I've now been using them regularly for a month and am ready to give you my thoughts. I was going to do both in one post, but I have a lot to say so I'm breaking it down into two posts.

Intense Hydrating Booster

If you're a regular reader of the blog, you know that I've been obsessing over hyaluronic acid lately - and so should you. Hyaluronic acid is a humectant, which means that it draws moisture to your skin and improves it's ability to retain moisture. I frequent quite a lot of beauty pages on IG, Facebook and Twitter and there are a lot of myths going around regarding hydration - especially in relation to oilier-skinned people. I recently saw a Facebook conversation in a closed beauty group where a girl who described her skin as extremely oily was recommending using a clay mask twice a day.


Personally, twice a week is my limit for clay masks unless I'm going somewhere and am giving myself a home facial beforehand and find my T-Zone to be acting up. Even then I would only apply it to the oily areas, not everywhere - this is a good tip, actually - you don't want to dry out parts of your skin that don't need it, and no-one needs a clay mask twice a day - I repeat, NO ONE. If you are oily and doing this, you're doing more harm than good - think of your oily skin as a sponge in water. You squeeze it bone dry (with a clay mask) and release - immediately it starts to fill with water again, only this time at a faster rate. Over-drying oily skin will most likely unbalance your skin further. I'm not particularly oily myself and don't have much experience with oil-control products, but try adding a hyaluronic product - this one, if it's within your budget. It will add moisture, not oil, and you will start to see an improvement. Even oily skin can be dehydrated, and oily skin that lacks moisture will create more oil to counter-act that dryness.

This booster is a very thin, watery, oil-free serum. It comes with a pump that doesn't leak and dispenses an appropriate amount, no waste. The instructions state that you can use it alone or mixed with a mask, serum or cream - I've been doing both. In the mornings I've been using it after cleansing and a spritz of Alpha H's Vitamin Mist, followed by Klytia's Voile Lacte (reviewed here) and at night I've been mixing it with a range of things - Kiehl's Overnight Hydrating Mask, a heavier moisturizer or Emma Hardie's Age Support Mask. I find that two small pumps is enough to cover face and neck.

In the mornings when used alone, you instantly feel hydrated and fine lines are indeed plumped, as the claims on the product state. This is common with any good hyaluronic serum, although temporary. It absorbs quickly and without any stickiness, and gives you a hydrated, plump base to add other products to. At night mixed with something else it gives an extra injection of hydration, meaning that you wake up with moisturized, happy skin.

Hyaluronic acid is a poweful and important ingredient in anyone's skincare routine, but it's not something that you should look for immediate, mind-blowing effects with. We live in an era where everybody is searching for that instant, miracle fix and hyaluronic acid ain't it. That is not to say that it shouldn't be an integral part of your skincare routine - it should. Your skin is a living, breathing organ - think of it as a plant that needs watering regularly, hyaluronic is the skins' water.

Personally I really enjoy this product. I much prefer the thinner texture to the gel-like texture of my L'Oreal Aloe Water and Superfacialist Firming Hyaluronic acid serum, and it seems to be unscented. I love the fact that you can mix and match it with other products, and due to the fact that it's so light and watery it doesn't change the texture of those products. You can absolutely add a cheaper hyaluronic serum to other creams, I've tried it with the other two, but I just didn't get the same effect and the mixtures were an odd, half gel, half cream texture that didn't sit comfortably on the skin. It's ideal for mornings as it absorbs quickly - most of us don't have time to wait around for products to sink in.

Obsessed with HA? Who? Me?!😅💓

While I would recommend L'Oreal or Superfacialists offerings to someone on a budget (and will continue to use them myself at times as I am also often on a budget😅😠), personally I prefer Skinesis. It's a beautifully light-weight serum and does exactly what it claims to. It feels gorgeous on the skin and comes with the added luxury of knowing that a top facialist has developed it and put her name on it. It is expensive, but remember that you are paying for expertise and beautiful ingredients. While it is possible to find good, even great, budget skincare - this kind of high quality product comes with an appropriate price-tag.

You can find the Intense Hydration Booster on Sarah Chapmans site (£12.50 for 5ml, £59 for 30ml) and also on (€75.50 for 30ml. Beauty is SO expensice in France, notably imported products😠).

Have you tried anything from Skinesis?

Thanks for reading, as always💕

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