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Weleda Skinfood - A quick fix for dry, rough skin

Y'know when you're down with a cold and have to blow your nose every 5 minutes?
And the skin around your nose gets red, irritated, and painful?

This has been me for the last three weeks, the dreaded yearly cold. I had been using Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour Cream around the area to not much avail. Nothing was helping.

Enter Weleda Skinfood.

Weleda is a natural, plant-based French brand that is readily available in pharmacies here. I am already a fan of the brand as I have used their baby products on my daughter - nappy cream, moisturiser etc; and have tried a couple of the bath oils and facial moisturizers, which are really nice. But this product wasn't on my radar until I saw @carolinehirons blog about it recently, and how it was helping her deal with the effects of retinol use (peeling, redness). I'm not using a retinol at the moment as I'm vain trying to get my skin back on an even keel with regards to acid toning and texture before I dip into that area again (also, Christmas is never a good time to start playing with active ingredients if you want party-ready skin...!) but as I said, the area around my nose was suffering the effects of a cold and my skin was feeling under-nourished. I was in a pharmacy picking up some bits and there was a Weleda stand near the counter with this product front and center - it felt like fate😂


'Skin Food is a universal savior of dry, rough skin on faces, elbows, hands and feet. With extracts of gentle viola tricolor, calendula and chamomile, in a rich, thick base of oils and beeswax, Skin Food hydrates skin to give you a healthy-looking glow.'

*Some are allergic to beeswax

It cost me €8.50, which may seem expensive to some for a moisturizer (or cheap to some, depending on what you use) but this isn't what I'd think of as a regular moisturizer, it's worth the price (and more) and here's why.

Skinfood comes in a 30ml tube - so not a large amount of product, but enough. The tube itself is metal so you can roll it down to get at the product - I actually wish more moisturizers and creams were packaged this way - I hate dipping my fingers into jars and am annoyed by having to cut open tubes. The top is screw-on.

I won't lie - I was suprised by the texture. It is thick. I'm used to lighter, more fluid moisturizers but this is really more like a balm - there isn't much slip to it until you have warmed it in your hands for a couple of seconds. Once warmed I applied it to my face and massaged it in. At first you think it's going to just sit on your skin because it's so thick but it does get more fluid!

It is quite greasy but not in a bad way. It feels comforting and nourishing and smells like most natural medicinal products - green. If you don't like feeling product on your face you may not like the feel of it, but if your skin is dry or flaky it's worth it. It doesn't sink completely in to the skin and when I went to bed about 30 mins later I could still feel it on my skin - if you have nice pillowcases change them for old ones before using this! As I've mentioned before, going to bed with a face full of product on my skin doesn't bother me, but everyone is different.

What a result, though! I'm not a huge fan of the term quick fix, but it's the best way to describe what this does. When I woke up the next day I could see an overnight improvement in my skin. By now the product had sunken in and my face was soft and nourished. The area around my nose had gone from red and flaky to smooth and hydrated. It wasn't completely cured, but it was a huge improvement from the day before.

I've been using this every second night for almost a week and feel comfortable recommending it to just about anyone whose skin needs a bit of TLC in terms of nourishment or dryness. It's not a product that I would use in the morning due to the thick texture, it won't work well under make-up. But as a night treatment it's an affordable, effective dream. It's probably not a product that you would use year-round unless you are extremely dry - for me personally it's too heavy for summer.

So to sum up - if your skin is dry, rough or irritated due to the weather or a cold, this is a must try. It's comforting and relieves dryness and roughness. It's affordable, effective and natural. They are also cruelty-free - they sell on mainland China but are not required to test on animals because their products are sold in free trade zones and online, and because some dental and soap products in China are not required to be tested on animals - Weleda sells both of these types of products - my source for this info was who goes on to talk about third party cruelty free status, so if you are someone who needs their products to be certified by PETA or Leaping Bunny (which Weleda aren't) click on the link and have a read.

*Victoria Beckham mentioned it in an interview with @IntotheGloss. She said that she uses it on her body to prolong a tan, so there's another possible use for it.  As much as I love her, VB makes me cringe when she talks about covering her face in Baby Oil during a flight (WHY), or using Coconut oil as a moisturizer (DOUBLE WHY YOU CAN AFFORD ANYTHING ELSE WOMAN) but I'm with her on this one😂

This will be my last post before the holidays and I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and to thank you all SO MUCH for reading. I honestly never thought that I would ever actually start this blog, and that if I did no-one would read it - I'm surprised and delighted to see that I have a little following so I want to thank you all whether you be in France, the UK, the USA, Poland, or wherever you're reading from💘

Doyouevencleanse Facebook, Twitter and Instagram


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